No matter where you come from or what your background is, Riverside wants to welcome you into a casual, friendly environment where you can hear the message of God's grace in a way that you can understand. Our services usually last around 50 minutes and are filled with engaging music and thought-provoking messages. We also offer RBC Kids, an age-appropriate, engaging children's ministry program that allows children, birth through 5th grade, to worship at their level.
No matter where you come from or what your background is, Riverside wants to welcome you into a casual, friendly environment where you can hear the message of God's grace in a way that you can understand. Our services usually last around 50 minutes and are filled with engaging music and thought-provoking messages. We also offer RBC Kids, an age-appropriate, engaging children's ministry program that allows children, birth through 5th grade, to worship at their level.
Great stories, whether we realize it or not, are rooted in biblical truths. Join us on Sunday as we explore some of our favorite movies and how they tie back to Scripture.
Click here to see messages from this series.
Following Jesus leads to spiritual fruit. Join us on Sunday as we walk through the Spiritual fruit that should exist in the life of a believer.
Click here to see messages from this series.